
where are they taking you

photos by Jordan Schauberger 

shoes: tevas x jhene aiko

HI GUYS wow it's been ten days. That doesn't seem like a long time, but it was long enough for like a thousand people to die on Game of Thrones. I've been out adventuring with my squad, from San Francisco to LA.  In the first part, we bought succulents, listed to TLOP, and - well that's all for another post. I'll be writing a lot in the coming weeks - but first, much like gym class, we need to talk about footwear.

This post is about what I wore on my feet, because I'm trying to improve lives here. On this particular outing to SF, I broke in my brand new Teva's in a very serious way. I'd had vague blister-related reservations about wearing new shoes on a day where I'd be walking approx. a million miles up hill, but they're also very ~funky~ and if not San Francisco, where else?

THESE SHOES ARE INCREDIBLE. I don't why I've never gotten pair before. I mean, I do, because velcro, but I'm over that now. Not only are they squishy and comfy, but they're v stylish. I, and more importantly, Jhene Aiko say so, and you can't argue with it. I like to move wildly, and climb things and stand on my tiptoes, and these shoes just let it all happen. In the past, I've shied away from the "pretty ugly" shoe trend because A. it seemed like a lot of work to style and B. I didn't see a huge benefit. After clambering all over California in these, I can distinctly say that the benefit far outweighs the amount of "90's dad on vacation" jokes your friends will make.

I will, however, be concerned if you start sporting these with Tommy Bahama and a fanny pack.

x J

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  1. Them shoes are sooo pretty - love them!

    Amy | The Perks of Being Amy

  2. Flawless as always. I'm totally obsessed with your outfit!

    - Madison | http://chocolatepearlsandcurls.blogspot.ca


Tell me what I want to hear. Or what you want to say.

Just remember:

If you're mean, I'll track you down and replace all your shoes with those hideous white tennis things that are so popular among the very sad.