
selfie queen in a printed magazine

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all photos taken by Marcel Frommer

Had a secret, and I kept it, took this one to the pages... OF LOCAL WOLVES.

I've been a big fan of Local Wolves magazine for ages (my babe Kami is a regular writer for them) and so was waY TOO EXCITED when they asked to feature me in their #GIRLPOWER issue. I was even more excited when they printed my #1 piece of selfie advice.

Settle in, you're gonna want to read this.

x J
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  1. You look great, I love your outfit and your makeup. Your hair looks gorgeous too. Congratulations on the magazine feature.xx

  2. Oh my gosh Justin you're so freaking amazing! Everything you do is just so cool and wonderful, also you're gorgeous!!??!?! Like, teach me please. After I read this article though, of course.


  3. CONGRATS!!! Local Wolves is the best, and so are you! This issue, and your photo shoot/ article in particular are incredible!!


  4. Well done!! And can I ask you why you always look good in all your pictures? Hahaha, but seriously the photo shoot looks amazing and I read the article and its absolutely inspiring! You've worked hard for your success and you deserve it!!


Tell me what I want to hear. Or what you want to say.

Just remember:

If you're mean, I'll track you down and replace all your shoes with those hideous white tennis things that are so popular among the very sad.