
so what school do you go to?

So I wrote an essay about being homeschooled for Teen Vogue and
 I may or may not be freaking out right now and it may or may not have less to do with Teen Vogue
 and more to do with my article being on the same page as a photo of Jennifer Lawrence.


big hugs and slow claps for Julia Rubin, the online editor at Teen Vogue, 
for answering all my questions + being a generally awesome human being.

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  1. I love your blog it's so creative! I love what you write I hope more happy things happen to you!

  2. i just read it and i am so happy! i am homeschooled too, except i just started in august. im also 16 :) i feel like we have a lot in common. i have had so much more time and passion to do what i love, which is something that is so amazing about being homeschooled. i feel like this article speaks for many teens who are homeschooled!

  3. Way cool!! I got the e-mail that Teen Vogue was accepting personal essays recently and was excited that they mentioned homeschoolers. I thought about writing something up (as that was my life in school) but I know now it would not have been nearly as good as what you wrote. Way to go, girl! :)

  4. I loved your essay, it was amazing! I am, also, enrolled in a charter school, so we're in very similar situations. I'm 16, by the way :)


Tell me what I want to hear. Or what you want to say.

Just remember:

If you're mean, I'll track you down and replace all your shoes with those hideous white tennis things that are so popular among the very sad.