
light it up

shoes: bc footwear*
jeans: gap
top: little mistress*
rucksack: fjallraven*

Here is the cool thing about light: it changes. Not just photos, but moods, looks, even outfits. It can also make me look slightly more like a grown up, which is very strange and uncomfortable. I suppose this is a very grown-up outfit though (look at me go). I am OBSESSED with these boots. They're the perfect shoe for a place with no seasons, and give me a nice bit of height without the teetering effect that is so popular among boot aficionados. Also, this shirt is FLIPPY and I love it. Stripes, a criss cross. It's all going on. This was the perfect outfit for a girls day ramble around Davis with my friends. (Yes, there are multiple, KTA just happened to be the only one who stuck around, by choice or by force, for the photos.)

Remember the big secret I've been talking about for ages now? It's getting really close. But there's still a few things to be done, and this weekend is the kick off.

* S A T U R D A Y - I'm going to #BTSS with Teen Vogue! Check my insta for photos of Adam and I having a ball and pretending school doesn't involve math.

*S U N D A Y - *said all in one breath* I'M GOING TO THE TEEN CHOICE AWARDS AGAIN YES THEY'RE LETTING ME COME BACK. The selfie queen is headed to LA to defend her title, and live tweet the whole thing for @huffpostteen, so be on the internets.

Good thing my shoes are comfy, I'm doing QUITE a bit of running around these days.

x J

ps. 13 days. It's getting closer.

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  1. How do you just always take the most amazing fashion pics? And that top is flippy, you're right (also, I love that word: flippy) :)


  2. Lovely post, have a beautiful weekend dear! <3


Tell me what I want to hear. Or what you want to say.

Just remember:

If you're mean, I'll track you down and replace all your shoes with those hideous white tennis things that are so popular among the very sad.