
Age: 16

How long have you been in Russia? Since October 1st.

Did you visit Russia/had you been there before you moved? 
I had never left America before!

How long have you been dancing? 
7 years.

When did you decide you wanted to attend the Bolshoi?
When I was 9, I found out my favorite teacher danced at the Bolshoi Academy, then danced for the company. It became my dream.  

Did you speak Russian before you left America? 
Very little.
What is the entrance process for the Bolshoi? 
 In 2009 I found it was possible to be accepted into the school when the Bolshoi Academy came to America for their Summer Program. They teach kids from all over the world. (you have to audition just to dance in the summer program) I've gone since then and this summer, the teachers invited me to dance year round in Moscow with them. So it was like an all summer long audition.

How many American students attend the Bolshoi?
 Maybe 20?

How many hours a day to you dance?
 6 hours a day, only Sundays off and 2 hours of Russian language a day.

What do you do for fun when you aren't dancing?
 I love shopping, music, going anywhere with friends even if its just a walk exploring Moscow!
Follow Rose on Instagram @rosekathryn8!

1 comment:

Tell me what I want to hear. Or what you want to say.

Just remember:

If you're mean, I'll track you down and replace all your shoes with those hideous white tennis things that are so popular among the very sad.