
Justina's Cinema: Unzipped





 This film.

My favorite fashion documentary is, and will forever be, "Valentino: The Last Emperor",
"Unzipped" is a very close (and I mean closer than lycra*shudder* to skin) second.

This movie shows everything the the fashion industry is/should be.

Theres a flamboyant, ridiculously talented designer (Isaac Mizrahi), Naomi + Kate at the peak of their general brilliance, neon coloured fur fur, sequins, and the entire thing is shot in gritty, hardcore artistic B&W, except for the parts where one feels color is needed.

Its. just. so. perfect.
I have never really liked anything about the ninties except that I was born in them.
(obviously the highlight of the decade)

 "Unzipped" shows us the part worth remembering.
Beautiful, individualistic models, tutus, plaid skirts, and cool hair.

I fully recommend you all watch it.
and because we have this lovely thing called the internet, you can do that right this actual moment.

Gold star to Nusardel for finding that for us.

Makes for a nice break from Anna + The September issue, right? 
(Forgive me Anna for I have sinned in suggesting we do other than worship you.)


ps. check out this interview with me!

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1 comment:

  1. Just watched it, thank you so much for suggesting it!



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Just remember:

If you're mean, I'll track you down and replace all your shoes with those hideous white tennis things that are so popular among the very sad.